Description on Photographic Processes
Below is a brief description of the analogue photographic processes used for my series, Celestial Trace.
Solargraphy is an ultra-long exposure processes that records the passing trajectories of the sun. I handmake lens-less pinhole cameras and insert different brands of black and white photographic paper inside the apparatuses. I then attach and leave multiple cameras outside in the environment and indoors looking out the windows. After patiently waiting hours, days, weeks or months for each individual exposure, I remove the cameras and materials from the environment. The process does not require any chemicals or fixing to retrieve the results. Instead, I remove the paper negative from the camera and immediately scan the negative. Due to the temperature admitting from the sun’s light rays, this heats up the photosensitive attributes on the paper causing the light to physical mark shadows of the landscape and abstract pathways of the sun.
Lunargraphy is a film based photographic process that records the warning gibbous, full moon and waxing gibbous phases of the moon. I use 120 and 35mm pinhole cameras to capture exposures that can last overnight. I am interested in capturing a low light perspective of the sky as well as providing a contrast to the daylight images of the sun.
Cyanonegative is an expansion process to the original contact printing method cyanotype. However instead of placing objects or negatives onto the iron compound paper then exposing it to the ultraviolet light (UV), the cyanotype paper in this augmentation becomes an in-camera negative.